Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Philadelphia, PA - 


We continued riding the on & off bus and saw all kinds of places and ended the day with a scheduled tour at Independence Hall.

Here were some places that we saw while riding on the bus.

The clock tower with William Penn standing at the top.

A quick stop at the Franklin Institute.  We have to get back to Independence Hall for our tour but we will be back tomorrow and I can't wait because it looks like it's going to be so much fun!
A painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence hanging in Independence Hall.
A panoramic view that my mom took of Independence Hall.

The actual room where our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.
Our guide was full of information and I wish I could remember everything he said.  I would suggest if you go on guided tours to record it all so you can re-listen to it because there is too much to remember in one day!
Although most of the furniture in the room were replicas of the originals, this was the actual chair that George Washington sat in!
It was such an amazing feeling standing in the same room where Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and all of the other incredible men who founded our beautiful nation.

I also was able to go into the building where Congress met.
If you look closely at the 4th Congress' seating chart, you will see where James Madison sat on the far left in the first row.
This was the Supreme Court.


Today was an incredible day!  We will be coming back tomorrow to check out the Franklin Institute.  

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