Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mammoth, WY ~ Mammoth Hot Springs


We decided to venture out today and go to the little town of Mammoth (within Yellowstone).  What a fun little place!  The animals are completely protected their by the Park Rangers and roam wherever they want to.  We loved seeing them wander around and cross the streets, sometimes even using the crosswalks!

If you look really close behind Mark's shoulder you will see in the distance an Elk taking a nap between the two buildings.  This was as close as the Park Ranger would allow us to get to him.  He told us that if the animals change their behavior for any reasons due to humans then we are too close.  

We also enjoyed seeing the Mammoth Hot Springs.  The formations were amazing!

We also found this thing!
It's a dormant hot spring cone.

1 comment:

  1. This was our favorite town in Yellowstone to visit. The elk were amazing and so fun to watch! And the Boiling River nearby was a highlight. Glad you are having so much fun and writing about it! Keep up the good work, Mason!
