Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The BOILING River - Yellowstone Park, WY


Thanks to our friend Brenda, we were tipped off to a secret little spot within Yellowstone Park called The Boiling River.  We were very much looking forward to soaking in it like a hot tub, however the river is approximately..... 139 degrees!!  There are a few spots where you can go that are not as hot because the scalding waters mix with the FREEZING cold water BUT getting to them can be tricky.  In one step you can be burned in an instant and it just wasn't worth the risk, as we have a long journey ahead of us, to take chances.  But, it was great fun to see and experience such an interesting natural wonder.

Can you see the tiny little heads of brave people who were able to reach a spot to soak?

Mason did a science experiment there and was fascinated by how the beautiful "green moss on the rocks" turned into what looked like black smoke when he touched it with a stick! 

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