Monday, September 7, 2015

Yellowstone National Park ~ WYOMING



We have arrived at Yellowstone National Park and immediately came to a complete stop!  Traffic was backed up for at least a half of a mile.  We soon realized that this beautiful Bull Elk was why everyone had stopped.  

He had probably come down to get a drink of water and when we saw him he was scratching his 6' horns on the tree.  We continued driving and again were brought to a complete halt.  This time there were a herd of Bison (with their babies) crossing the road.  This guy got so close to our window we could have pet his head...
And here is the rest of his family...

We visited several of the geysers but The Fountain Painting Pot and Old Faithful were our favorites.  The Fountain Painting Pot has so many cool colors like bright orange and Caribbean blue.  

There were areas of bubbling mud that looked like hot milk.

In the middle of the bubbling mud was a tree...
I asked a tour guide, "How did that tree get there?" He told me, "A Bison had come through and left some "fertilizer" and a seed from a pine tree must have fallen in it." And that is how it got there!! ~ Mason

We drove over to watch Old Faithful erupt and if you look closely you can see two of my Guardian Angels showed up in the clouds behind me.

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