Sunday, September 6, 2015

BEAR WORLD - Rexburg, Idaho

Thanks to our friend MarCee, we found this great place called Bear World.  It is privately owned and allow the animals to roam free on the property.  They are kept somewhat confined, but nothing like a zoo.  You can drive right through their land and take pictures of everything you see.  They tell you to keep your windows up (for obvious reasons) but of course Daddy said we couldn't get good pictures so we opened them up (and got in trouble for it), but here is what we saw.
The bear walked right up to us....

So Daddy opened his window (all the way) so I could take a picture. :)

We also took a jeep ride, where you can ride in an open top vehicle and drive through the park, but by that time many of the animals were starting to take their naps.  This lady actually got out of the vehicle and went to wake up some of the animals! YIKES!

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