Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Omaha, NB ~ Wild Kingdom


Today we are in Omaha, Nebraska at the Wild Kingdom Pavilion.  The weather is getting hotter and it is VERY windy here.  We even saw a small dust cloud!  Because summer is over and kids are all in school, being that it is a weekday, we have the zoo all to ourselves!  Here are some of the amazing animals that we saw...

They have recreated a Desert Dome which is really cool! The next five pictures are of animals that live in the desert...

And the aquarium is amazing!!

This guy was my favorite!
Seeing a Mama orangutang with her baby was the highlight of my day!
Thank God for the thick glass!  This mean Gorilla punched me in the chest...
through this window!

LOVE the Honey Bear!

This little guy wasn't technically part of the zoo animals but a cool squirrel type thing non the less and worthy of a photo.

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