Monday, September 21, 2015

Auburn, IN ~ Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum

My time at the Auburn Cord Duesenburger Automobile Museum in Auburn Indiana.

We left Illinois and heeded towards Indiana today.  While we were on the road my mom was helping my dad with directions when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, the sign for the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum and said, "I think my grandfathers car is there." Then she told me the story about how her grandpa use to buy and fix up old cars and restore them. He had an old 1930 Auburn that her grandmother donated when he died to the Museum so I just had to go see it. We walked in and asked if they had an old baby blue Auburn. They showed us one car but it was not it and then another guy said, "We have a beautiful one from LA that is in the shop and the guys last name is Myers."  My mom said, “My families last name is Myers!” So excitedly we walked over to the shop and my mom said, “That's my Papa's car!!!” 

 We called my Meema on Face Time to show her the car. She cried because she misses her dad.

I looked at it and it was beautiful!  It had wood rims, white tires and so much more. I looked inside the trunk and saw two old license plates that where old and dirty so I took them out and showed my mom.

With tears in her eyes she said, "Those are his old license plates that he ordered for the car when he had it." Because they weren't using them anymore (as they had expired the year he died) we asked the guy if we could keep one and he said yes. My mom hugged and thanked him.  Then we got back on the road because we are excited to get to Philadelphia, PA.    

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