Sunday, September 13, 2015

Crazy Horse - South Dakota

South Dakota

We are in beautiful South Dakota!!  The weather here is absolutely perfect.  The campground that we are staying at is our favorite thus far and we are so excited to see the incredible rock sculptures.

First Stop - CRAZY HORSE!
This amazing sculpture measures 641' (w) x 563' (h).  If that isn't crazy, I don't know what is.  Sadly, we have never heard of this monument before our trip.  The story behind it is worth learning about.  

We were able to take a bus ride to see it up close and it's GIGANTIC!

In the evenings they put on a magnificent laser light show, which is truly a spiritual experience.
Here is a small sample of the Pre-show...
And here is a small sample of the Show... Enjoy!

After the show is over they light the entire mountain with different colors. It's absolutely beautiful!

We loved it so much that we went back the next day!  There was so much to see and experience.  They had a beautiful Indian museum with 16 of the actual beads given to the indians to purchase the Island of Manhattan in 1626!

We went in Korczak's (the sculpture) house and saw his sculpting studio. 

 We even stood in the very place where he danced with his wife (as shown in the photo to the right of his portrait).
 This was the area in his house shown in the photo of the photo above where he danced with his wife.  Sadly they have both passed away.
We even met the family kitty!
There were all kinds of fun Indian traditions to learn about...
 Like grinding corn (maize) and bang the drum!
And then of course there was the CRAZY Daddy statue...

If you do get the opportunity to visit this wonderful place here is a tip that we received from one of the workers there.  Take a photo right here, you are able to capture the statue of the sculpture, the replica of the monument (shown in white) and the actual mountain in the background. Genius!

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